Monday, October 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5k!

Dear Parents and Students,

It is that time of year again to sign up for the Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5k! Last year we had a large group of LCE students running together. It was great to see these kids running and cheering each other on!
This event is a great way to promote exercise, team effort and LCE school pride! Through this event, the children also learn about giving back to the community of La Canada by donating to the food drive.  I would love to have a larger group then last year, including students, family member and maybe even some LCE teachers! This year I am happy to announce that the PCR Panthers and their PE teacher Tiffany Diaz will also be joining us on the run!
Signing up is simple! Please go to  and click on Thanksgiving Run. The cost of the event is 35 dollars and includes a T-shirt. The registration deadline is November 25th. If your child is interested in running in this event with me, please email me at
I will have a sign up sheet at school and I will continue to post information about the event!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hear Us Roar!

Each month in PE we have Roaring Rockstars. It is our way of recognizing a few kids from each grade level who have shown above excellent behavior and participation in all PE activities and display great sportsmanship and kindness to others. Each month we have a Monthly Motivator word. For September the word was Enthusiasm. My goal is to promote and encourage students to live out these monthly words and apply them to their life not only in PE but in all aspects of their daily routine.
       Our fantastic students for the month of September were: Carter Ehrhart, Madison Cho, Patrick Chumo, Kiera Horne, Amy Kiang, Conor Banks, Natalie Suh, Chicco Rossi, Sydney Horne, Adam Gellar, Oliver Stein, Emily Strauss