Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Heat Wave

Summer has still been in full affect which has made it difficult for us to be outside for PE. The health of my students comes first and making sure they are safe, hydrated, and kept out of the blazing heat. We have modified our PE when we need to be inside and have been able to put together some fun activities for them. They really enjoy cup stacking and making giant towers. Some get to practice their ping pong skills while others work on soccer skills such as juggling or shooting in a goal.
         We have started our soccer unit and while we were indoors for most of last week, we incorporated soccer skills by playing a human football game inside which the students enjoyed playing. Despite the heat and being confined in a smaller space, the students did well in adapting to the circumstances.
       Last week we had a health lesson on nutrition and fitness. The students watched a video of the food pyramid and were asked to recreated the food plate giving examples of healthy options and non healthy options for each section. This project took 3 days and they all worked diligently to complete it.
     We are hoping for cooler days to come so we can continue with our PE units and continue to have active lives outside of the classroom!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A New Year.

We are off to a great start! The kids are full of energy and are excited to start PE units. Some of them have already inquired about running the mile! My goal is to continue encouraging them to stay fit but to also enjoy being outside and participating in PE activities. Please continue to send your kids with water and healthy snacks to school. Also, make sure they are wearing comfortable closed toe shoes. 

The past few weeks, we have been building class spirit as the students have been competing in various games within their classes. It has been a great team building experience as they are learning how to work together as a class and create unity. It is great to see them cheer on their classmates and watch them ignite their LCE Lion Pride.

Next week, we will begin our first unit of the school year. This unit will include Soccer and Ping Pong. I always remind the kids that in order to compete in tournaments, they have to still participate in the basic drills leading up to games. I encourage those who are advanced in this particular sport to encourage and help those who may have a difficult time understanding the concepts or are not motivated to learn. 

Most of the kids know that Soccer is among one of my many passions and I enjoy sharing my love for this sport with the kids and being able to teach them fundamentals and being involved by playing games with them.

We are adding Ping Pong this year because of the wonderful tables that are school received at the end of last year.  The kids are very excited to have an opportunity to play this game!